[Uncategorized] Rust & Corrosion Inhibitors

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  • 글주소
  • 08-23

제품 세부 사항



VCI Emitters

Corrosion control emitters, which give off a vapour that adheres to metal surfaces and protects against corrosion. Protective layer is only molecular thickness but will protect a wide range of metals.

Non-toxic and safe to handle and apply
Molecular VCI layer does not interfere with electrical, optical or mechanical surface properties
Protects equipment during storage and operation.
Nitrate, silicone and phosphate free
No spraying, wiping or dipping
Compact, small emitter device with self adhesive back and self stick date label
Active and protects for up to two years
Effective even in regularly opened enclosures
Easy to use; remove from packing, stick inside enclosure box, close box for immediate protection
Protects electrical panels, electronic enclosures, switch gear, instruments, fuse boxes, computers and telecommuncation devices, etc.

Cortec Corporation 58.4 x 32.3 mm Tub Rust & Corrosion Inhibitor







 Package Size58.4 x 32.3 mm
 Package TypeTub
 Application                                      Corrosion Protection
 Trade NameVpCI 111




Cortec의 고객 서비스 담당자가 귀사에 필요한 영업 지원과 조정 서비스를 제공하기 위해 왔습니다. 수년간의 경험과 폭넓은 제품 지식을 바탕으로, 이러한 전문가들이 모든 세부 정보를 처리하고 필요한 답을 제공해주기를 기대할 수 있습니다. 우리 직원들은 국내외 시장에 헌신하는 사람들을 포함하고 있다.