[Uncategorized] Processor & Microcontroller Development Kits

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  • 01-19

제품 세부 사항

Kinetis L Cortex-M0+ Freedom Board

The Freescale Freedom development platform is a set of software and hardware tools for evaluation and development. It is ideal for rapid prototyping of microcontroller-based applications. The Freescale Freedom KL25Z hardware, FRDM-KL25Z, is a simple, yet sophisticated design featuring a Kinetis L series Cortex-M0+ microcontroller. The FRDM-KL25Z is the first hardware platform to feature the Freescale open standard embedded serial and debug adapter known as OpenSDA. This circuit offers several options for serial communications, Flash memory programming and run-control debugging.

Kinetis L Cortex-M0+ MCU Freedom Board 


 ClassificationDevelopment Kit
 Technology                   32 bit